The cube at sunrise

Olympic torch runners at sunrise

Old church in downtown Beijing

Night market with food-on-a-stick a-plenty

Fried scorpions

Assorted critters

Fried scorpions were much better than the fried centipede and water beattle

Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven

More street food

Street market

Baby birds?

Entrance to the Forbidden City and portrait of Chairman Mao

Forbidden City

Forbidden City

Overlooking the Forbidden City through the air pollution

The top of the Winter Palace

Communist t-shirt logos

The cube at night

The bird's nest at night

Inside a Budhist temple

Burning incense at the Budhist temple

Buddhist temple

Buddhist temple

Looking up at an enormous buddha statue

Hot pot meal

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

Souvenir camel ride at the Great Wall

Beijing, China

Ring Roads Around History

March 2, 2011

You grew up way too fast

Now there's nothing to believe

The reruns all become my history

- Goo Goo Dolls